Umei Guard Tour System (GT2100) Umei our brand

Easy Patrolling Easy Monitoring ( We are the distributor for Umei)
Most robust guard tour system.
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Factory, Condominium, Shopping complex, Housing (Guarded & Gated) , Commercial Building etc….

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Welcome to the world of enhanced security and streamlined guard patrol operations with the Umei GT2100 Guard Patrol Tour System. Our state-of-the-art technology offers a comprehensive solution to meet your security needs, ensuring precision, efficiency, and peace of mind.

Key Features:

  1. User-friendly Interface: Our intuitive interface ensures easy adoption and minimal training requirements. Effortlessly navigate through the system, access reports, and manage checkpoints with simplicity and efficiency.
  2. Durability and Versatility: Built to withstand rigorous conditions, the Umei GT2100 is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Its rugged construction guarantees durability, ensuring long-term reliability in various environments.
  3. Umei GT2100 Recorder is made of complete stainless steel. It is tamper and water resistance. Rubber grip on the body.
    It is one of the most robust and durable recorder in the market and has been around for many years.
    It has a built-in digital clock that provides the date and time when it reads the point. The recorder size is about  our palm size, this makes it easy to be hold. If it is too small, you tend to drop it.
  4. Data in the GT2100 recorder is transferred via a downloader into the computer through USB port.
  5. Umei GT2100 Recorder is powered by a 3v lithium battery. (low maintenance)
  6. Works by a simple touch….security guard simply takes the recorder and touch a station point to record the date and time of his patrolling to those locations.
  7. Data in the GT2100 recorder is transferred via a downloader into the computer through USB port.
  8. Expandable: Additional GT2100 Recorder, Guard ID Key and Station Point can be added as needed
  9. System includes: GT2100 recorder, Carrying case, Downloader AGT guard tour, ROSSLARE DIGITOOL, Landwell guard tour

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  • Simple Operation, Reduce time in tabulating reports
  • Recorder  complete stainless steel body makes it one of the most robust and durable recorder in the market.
  • Electronic Time Registrations – No paper required for recording
  • Easy to use and powerful software to generate comprehensive
  • Recorder battery available in open market.
    User may replace the battery in the GT2100 recorder

Umei GT2100 Recorder Specifications:

  • Size : 130mm(L) x 25mm(diameter)
  • Weight approx: 220 gram
  • Memory: 8000 records
  • Powered by: 3v lithium battery ( removable type — user may replace battery)

Umei Downloader Specification :

  • Size:178mm x 128mm x 40mm
  • Weight approx: 400 gram
  • Communication Interface: USB

Computer Hardware and Operating System Requirement:

  • USB port
  • Microsoft Windows 7,10,11

Service Available: After sales support, repair and maintenance in Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Many years in servicing Umei guard tour system.
* Also known as Digital Watchman Clock, Guard Patrolling System, Guard Patrol System, Electronic Watchman Clock, Electronic Guard Tour System, Digital Clocking Device
* Umei GT2100 recorder can read/detect most of the button type station point / check point in the market.
* If your current guard tour patrol system is using the button type station point / check point /location tag, welcome to make enquiry.
* It is used in Shopping Malls, Hotels, Condominiums, Factories, Government buildings, Port Klang, Hospitals.

Please WhatApp 0162926533 for more info

Download Catalogue  GT2100-Cat-RevN23

GT2100 checkpoint, Guard ID Tag

Station Point and Guard ID Key for GT2100/GT8100

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